Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Please, protect our kids! Online Teenage Internet Use Statistics: Part 3
To understand the predator problem, you need to understand a little about another newphenomena called social engineering. Social engineering is the reshaping of parts of our real world life to blend with our lives in the virtual world. We are all familiar with the statistics for online shopping and the huge increase, but here are some statistics you may not know:
87% of teens age 12 to 17 use the Internet in some aspect of their daily lives.
(Source: Pew Internet & American life Project).
79% of online teens say they are not careful when sharing personal information.
(Source: Pew Internet & American life Project).
71% of teens have received messages online from someone they do not know.
(Source: National Center For Missing & Exploited Children).
64% say they do things online they don’t want their parents to know about.
(Source: Pew Internet & American life Project)
45% of teens have been asked for personal information by someone they did not know.
(Source: National Center For Missing & Exploited Children)
20% of 8-to-18 year olds have a computer with Internet access in their own room.
(Source: Kaiser Foundation)
14% of teens have met face-to-face with a person they had known only through the Internet. (Source: National Center For Missing & Exploited Children)
14%, wow, that is a really high number, that equals 14 out of every 100 children!
Multiply that by the millions online and that is why this is such a serious problem!
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